Maximising Truck Safety in the Yard: Strategies and Solutions

Best Practice

In the dynamic environment of a yard, ensuring the safety of truck operations is paramount. With heavy vehicles constantly on the move, managing these giants safely is a complex task. Peripass, with its innovative solutions, plays a crucial role in this domain, ensuring that yards are not just efficient, but also safe for everyone.

Stylised overview of a yard, showing drivers where to go.

Traffic Management and Truck Movements

Proper truck management does not happen by accident. It takes careful consideration of your existing yard and thinking outside of the box to create the best possible situation. Out-of-the-box, because the historical situation, such as the expanding city right outside the yard, and current use of the site can make it difficult to see the possibilities for your own staff. Enlisting the help of experts like Peripass makes it easier to gain a better understanding of the options.

Truck yard safety improvements depend on an effective traffic management plan, which outlines clear truck routes and establishes zones for specific operations. The three most convenient ways to improve are planning optimal routes, adding clear, visible signage, and using a YMS like Peripass. The magic combination allows for faster results and increased safety.

Communication Challenges

The previous advice ties in nicely with the adage: “It is better to be safe than sorry.” As you will discover below, efficient communication can avoid many problems, so prioritise this link between drivers and yard staff. One way to do that is by using software like Peripass. When drivers arrive, they check in at a self-service kiosk, where they indicate their preferred language. Afterwards, all communication happens digitally and in that chosen language, reducing friction and ensuring all messages come across correctly.

Another way to reduce friction is by implementing standardised protocols in simple iconography. Through signage, there is less need for face-to-face communication of instructions, thereby reducing risks associated with miscommunication. As stated above, clear signage with these protocols is a great help in streamlining these processes.

Loading and Unloading Hazards

Manoeuvring trucks are not the only danger in the yard; just think about the next step in the logistics flow: loading and unloading. Vehicle instability and falling cargo pose a danger to drivers and warehouse employees. This risk is also often increased because of rushing to finish the job. Proper time management, training, highlighting safety measures, and equipment checks are the quickest ways to increase safety at the docks.

Your employees’ training is easier to enforce, but the constant flow of new faces in your yard requires a different approach. For drivers, you could implement an obligatory safety review when they register their presence at the site. Doing so in their native or preferred languages increases success. With Peripass, you can easily insert these refreshers into the check-in process without hassle.

Safety signage created in cooperation with Peripass.

Unsafe Parking and Pedestrian Risks

One of the things we hear all the time is the dangerous situation of drivers parking in non-safe areas and walking around to find more information. This usually happens when drivers arrive on-site and get confused about directions and signage. Wandering across a yard with heavy machinery and multiple-tonne weighing trucks is unsafe not only for drivers but also for the yard personnel who must find these drivers and their trucks.

There are some options to solve this issue. Establishing designated parking areas and pedestrian walkways can already significantly reduce these risks. Technology-assisted guidance systems, a feature of Peripass solutions, can direct drivers to the correct locations, ensuring their safety and that of yard personnel.

Technology enhances the speed, accuracy and traceability of yard management.

Technological Integration for Enhanced Safety

Technology integrations like Peripass create an automated yard and improve communication between staff and drivers. This is a game-changer in yard operations. They are the easiest and most effective way to enhance safety and efficiency. Peripass features include automated gate check-ins, real-time truck tracking, incident reporting, analytics, and digital dispatching. These features are crucial for continuous safety improvements and proactive risk management.

Truck yard safety issues are a multifaceted challenge that requires a comprehensive approach. Proactive safety measures and technology integration ensure a safe and efficient yard environment. Peripass stands at the forefront of this integration, offering solutions that streamline operations and significantly elevate safety standards.

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