Yard management solutions

  • Stress-free dispatching of trucks through automation
  • Easy communication of safety regulations
  • Clear view of empty and full trailers on site

The benefits of yard management software

Streamline your truck yard through software and automation, which ensures hassle-free logistics. A YMS like Peripass ensures better visibility of where all trucks and trailers are in your yard, self-check-in for drivers and visitors, improved safety and security, and saved costs.

Benefit from the Peripass SaaS+ platform and automate that missing link between your warehouse and transportation management software.

Truck loading at a dock
yard management solutions Peripass

Bring your yard together in one tool.

Yard management software, or YMS, is the backbone of a well-run logistics yard. The Peripass solutions cover the entire yard, from arrival to weighing to loading and check-out. Through smart automation and efficient digitisation, your yard can save time, effort, and money.

A centralised overview of your yard gives you real-time visibility. Combined with the many options to personalise your business rules engine, your Peripass brings your yard together

Trucks waiting at the Stow parking lot

Do more with available space

Plenty of industrial sites were developed in the past and have minimal growth margins. Often, there is no space for new parking lots where trucks can wait as the company expands. Another common side effect of this historic situation is the lack of fencing. Truck drivers not within their time slot can arrive and access the yard, creating traffic congestion or occupying parking spaces needed for the scheduled arrivals.

Yard management software connected to your access control system creates new opportunities to optimise space. For example, our customer Alpro-Danone has created a new waiting parking lot outside their site’s boundaries where drivers drive up, register, and wait until they get their SMS message informing them to come to the main site for (un)loading.

Let's find out how Peripass can support your yard

Find out why companies like Bridgestone, Alpro, and Saint-Gobain use Peripass to manage their yards. Please fill out the form to see how our software works.