While most companies’ warehouse management and timeslot planning have been automated, their yards still need work. Otherwise, waiting and demurrage fees will increase. Peripass can help.
Your digital twin reflects your truck yard and allows you to use simple drag-and-drops to assign open docks to drivers. This triggers an automated text message for the truck driver so they know which dock or parking area to go to. The digital dispatching dashboard also lets you access the current situation at the loading docks and parking sites. You can easily cross-check with your slot booking system and scheduled shipments to determine the best dispatching order.
Through seamless integration with the ACS, Peripass knows who is in which zones on the site and how long they have been there. You have a digital record of all movements on-site through personalised access codes or badges. Digitise reception of drivers, visitors and contractors and make communication and access to the site as smooth as possible.
Manage queue capacity at peak moments or for locations with limited space or complicated traffic flows.
You can easily define your priorities for calling drivers to the nearest parking: FIFO, LAFO, or based on the time scheduled in your WMS, TMS, or ERP system.
Find out why companies like Bridgestone, Alpro, and Saint-Gobain use Peripass to manage their yards. Please fill out the form to see how our software works.